Products Motors, Gearheads, and Motion Control Products that Drive Industry AGV Solutions NR3-AGV089A01-E - AGV Geared Motor Kits - 89mm, 24V • Without Brake, With Ethernet
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24V AGV • 89mm
Geared Motor Kits
Without Brake, With Ethernet
Part Number: NR3-AGV089A01-E

Kit Includes:
- Two 89mm 24V Frame Motors
- Gearbox
- Wheel Assembly for 1000kg Mobile Robot up to 1500 rpm,
Without Brake. - Motor Controller - Part No: NR4-FBL2360TE
- Ethernet
Motor Frame Size: 89 Motor Dimensions (w x h x l (mm)): 91 x 91 x 160.8
Max robot weight (kg): 1000
Brake: No
Max Motor Speed (rpm): 1500
Gear Ratio: 9:1
Wheel diameter (mm): 156.4
Max Robot Speed (m/s): 6
Voltage (Vdc): 24
Nominal Amps (Arms): 15
Max Amps (Arms): 60
Torque at Motor (Nm): 3.2
Torque at Wheel (Nm): 29
Motor Shaft Encoder (PPR): 4096
Number of Pole Pairs: 10
Assembly Weight (kg): 8.1